
We Are Hiring

PHP Developer With WordPress Experience (Fully Remote)

Contract: Permanent – Part/Full Time

Salary: up to $30 per hour

  • 10 – 20 hours/week.
  • Up to $30 per hour ( depending on the skill level and productivity )
  • Remote

We are looking for a PHP developer with WordPress experience. 

You will be joining us at a time when WordPress will increase the minimum supported PHP version to 5.6 in April and then 7.2 later this year. We also use current CSS features such as Custom Properties (variables), CSS Grid, etc.

  • PHP experience
  • WordPress experience
  • You must be able to find your way around an unknown third-party codebase – integrating products from different vendors is a major part of the job
  • You should be able to set up your local server (use of Varying Vagrant Vagrants is recommended if you are on Windows
  • We can help you with that)
  • LESS or SCSS experience with good knowledge of current best practices
    – (recommended) shell experience
    – (optional) WP CLI
Other requirements
  • Self-motivated
  • Willingness to solve problems by yourself
  • Desire to improve your skills
  • Preferably Linux or Mac based – you will need to use a VM if you are on Windows
  • You need to follow common coding conventions and standards
  • You have to be able to work as a part of a team
  • Excellent command of English
  • Anticipate risks and technical challenges
  • Follow instructions and accommodate yourself to our existing development workflow

How to apply?

Send us the following
  • Samples from your recent work (link to your portfolio + a code sample)
  • Tell us why you’re passionate about the sample you sent us
  • Timezone or location (for scheduling purposes)
  • Preferred working hours and availability
  • State your experience with each of the skills above
  • State if you can set up a local server by yourself and what OS you use

We would conduct an interview and the best candidates will be required to complete a short task (2-3 hours) based on a specification that we’ll provide. The completion of the test task will not require knowledge of our current products and we will help you to set up a suitable development environment. 

We understand that this requires a little bit of time from you upfront, but we will look seriously at all applicants that take the time to respond with the above.